Dear parishioners of HFK, There is a time for everything,and a season for every activity under heaven:a time to be born and a time to die,a time to plant and…
Dear beloved parishioners of Church of the Holy Family, Kajang I thank my God, each time I think of you and when I pray, I pray with gladness. Phil 1:3…
The Orang Asli Ministry, Holy Family Church Kajang conducted a Flood Relief Programme at Kg Orang Asli Kg Sg Lui, Hulu Langat, Selangor commenced three days from 20th -22nd Dec…
Nearing the Christmas season in 2016, Mr Furdy Fernandez, a HFK parishioner was tasked with the yearly coordination of the church Christmas decoration plans. Being so used to the constant…
Christmas is just around the corner and we invite YOU to join us at our Christmas masses to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus as one parish community. Online…
日期:2021年6月27日主办方:加影圣家堂公教青年团 在经历了长久的疫情战役中,许多人在生活里都各自奋斗得疲惫不堪。面对接踵而来的挑战和困难,我们的心已慢慢感到麻木和冷漠。于是,加影圣家堂公青委员们用心策划举办了这一次的线上灵修音乐会,开放给教会中的青年一起参与,让青年们都有一个能够一起在主内休息的时光。 此音乐会是以完全线上在ZOOM平台以及在社交媒体Facebook直播的方式进行。在音乐会中,祈祷、圣言诵读、圣歌咏唱、默想、分享等等环节都有着参与者的踊跃参与。其中的重点环节:圣歌咏唱 更是在圣神的陪伴下,随着每一个人的歌声,抚慰着、治愈着在场人员的心灵。在这段人人都无法亲密接触的日子里,聆听及倾诉能够更好的让自己和他人连接,也能缓解在生活中产生的压力,在接下来的生活中更好的继续奋斗。因此,在接下来的分享环节中,主办方在保持隐私的前提下提供了一个机会让参与者能够分享及倾诉自己的感受。在许多不舍及安慰中,音乐会也迎来了尾声,,参与者带着许多祝福与平安互道晚安离开了平台,圆满结束了这次的音乐会。
This bleak backdrop does not seem to offer a flicker of hope that the end is around the corner. Yet, against this very backdrop, what remains unchanged is that we…
If there is one thing we learned in the last year, it is that nothing is impossible. From virtual classes to online mass, we have embraced digital technology as part…
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On Thursday, April 22nd, 2021, we were notified of a parishioner who had just been tested positive. This person had attended Sunday Mass on…
From Oct 23rd – Jan 23rd about 25 young people joined the 12-week online Bible Study on Mission hosted by the Apostolate of Catholic Tertiary Students (ACTS) of the Church…
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