Gerard Pinto’s Experience in the Papal Mass

"Unity—Hope," that was our Holy Father’s mission. To foster greater harmony within the church and society as he made his Apostolic Journey through Asia and Oceania.

"Unity" represents communion among the faithful and societal cohesion, encouraging Catholics everywhere of diverse populations to live in harmony across ethnic and cultural lines.

"Hope" highlights the visit's message of encouragement, especially for Christians facing challenges such as discrimination and persecution. Pope Francis's presence served as a beacon of resilience and optimism, offering renewed inspiration and faith to the region’s Christian community.

After visits to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Timor-Leste, he was finally in Singapore.

It was a privilege and a blessing for my wife and I to be chosen to represent Holy Family Kajang at this most momentous Eucharistic celebration led by our Holy Father. Additionally, we kindly spoke for the wishes and prayers of each and every family at Holy Family Kajang.

From the time we waited in line, we were touched as we listened, well eavesdropped on some inspiring stories on how some came because they were told of the blessings they would receive for the trials they were going through. One individual even quit her job to participate in this experience because she understood the importance of "permanent discipleship," which was far more valuable than her "temporary job."

We watched the thousands of people swarm the stadium to occupy all fifty thousand seats as we took our seats and anxiously awaited the moment. Regardless of distance or age, wealth or poverty, well or ill, walking or on wheelchairs and even the deaf, they came because they believed, because they wanted to be in the presence of Holiness.

The suspense of waiting was followed by the announcement of his arrival. But not before he drove about in his "Pope buggy," pulling up at every turn to greet and bless young children and infants. He also saw to it that they received a token from him. At times, he even paused to take a little selfie, maintaining that broad smile that many of us find so difficult to wear these days, particularly after exhausting days. Though this 87-year-old Shepherd would have been so worn out from his earlier journeys and visits he never rushed nor ignored anyone who came up to him, showing little concern for his safety or concerning health. Something that neither Bruno, Taylor, nor even Michael would have ever considered doing.

He blessed us one last time, and I was just able to choke back tears.

Being in the company of this man, whom God has anointed as our Holy Father, who came to bring us all together as One Holy Apostolic Church and with the hope that we too would become evangelists and earthly servants of God's mission. His one wish was that we would one day all assemble in Heaven, the biggest stadium, to celebrate as one people with God, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

The much-awaited question is now here:

How can we, as ONE PEOPLE here on Earth, fulfil that hope?

We lost a lot during COVID, and regrettably, it is now used as an excuse because we have grown accustomed to sleeping in whenever possible, missing prayer sessions, BEC events, and rosary recitations. Some of us are avoiding church-related events and passing up chances to serve God.

Is it still necessary for our Holy Father to travel around at this age to remind all of us? Or are we just waiting for Jesus to knock on our door and usher us to wake up?

I recently heard someone being asked this question during an interview: What would you ask Jesus if you had the chance to have tea with him? His straightforward response was, "How did I do?"

How are we doing?

Are we ready for our Lord’s response?

Unity + Hope
Amelia and Gerarde Pinto