Parish History

The following article is about Holy Family, Kajang church history, taken from the 2001 limited edition “Church of the Holy Family Kajang 100-year anniversary book” jointly produced by the Centenary Commemorative Book Committe. Quoting the Centenary Commemorative Book’s editorial: “Reading through the ‘History’ one cannot but feel humbled by the great faith, vision, sacrifices, fortitude and generosity of our early clergy and lay Catholics. It is good to remind us of these lest we be vain of our own contributions and achievements! Today we have a new church , the largest in Peninsular Malaysia in terms of seating capacity, and fully air-conditioned. We have come a long way from our humble beginnings in 1901 and will keep on growing if we continue to place or trust in God” The following “History of The Holy Family Church Kajang 1901 – 2001 by Roy Anthony Rogers” was digitized into the following images to preserve the author’s work.