Campus Ministry

Accompanying Young Adults in tertiary-level education with faith-based programs that meet the NEEDS OF THE STUDENTS as everyone copes with changes everywhere.  The formation programs tend towards a more personalized approach, while seeking to integrate faith and academic life to care for the whole person.   


  • On being courageous missionaries [Christus Vivit 176; cf. 1 Cor 9:16].
  • Enabling Young Adults in tertiary-level education in their transformation process, so that   ‘being evangelized,’ they too may go forth ‘to evangelize’ [EN 15].  
  • The apostolate of the lay people is carried out right in the midst of the world and of secular affairs, as a leaven in the world [LG 30.]

As Disciples of Christ in our Present Times:

IN  COMMUNION with God and others

  • LITURGY and Devotions…





The organized programs in this ministry of pastoral care and presence, seeks to accompany the Young Adults in witnessing to the all-embracing and unconditional love of our Risen CHRIST.

The pastoral care and spiritual growth of this Home-Away-From-Home community occurs through personal relationships, one-on-one and group experiences in activities like retreat camps, liturgies, spiritual devotions, cross-cultural immersion, interfaith dialogue, exposure to works of justice, participation in student-led and faith-based small Caring Communities which meet weekly on Campus,  that collaborates with Holy Family Parish Church of KL Archdiocese and hence, in communion with the Universal Catholic Church.  

For more about the Church’s Ministry among Young Adults…….

Read the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation "Christus vivit" of Pope Francis, 
with the results of the Synod of Bishops in October 2008,
on the topic "Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment".

“Jesus, himself eternally young, wants to give us hearts that are ever young” (Christus Vivit 13)

  • Jesus is the model for all young people who spent His youthful years SHARING LIFE FULLY.  Jesus went forth in God’s Mission, engaging in ministry as a young man and right up to the time when he gave up his life for us.

13. Jesus, himself eternally young, wants to give us hearts that are ever young. God’s word asks us to “cast out the old leaven that you may be fresh dough” (1 Cor 5:7). Saint Paul invites us to strip ourselves of the “old self” and to put on a “young” self (Col 3:9-10).[ The Greek word usually translated “new” can also mean “young”] In explaining what it means to put on that youthfulness “which is being renewed” (v. 10), he mentions “compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving each other if anyone has a complaint against another” (Col 3:12-13). In a word, true youth means having a heart capable of loving, whereas everything that separates us from others makes the soul grow old. And so he concludes: “above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony” (Col 3:14).

143. Dear young people, make the most of these years of your youth. Don’t observe life from a balcony. Don’t confuse happiness with an armchair, or live your life behind a screen. Whatever you do, do not become the sorry sight of an abandoned vehicle! Don’t be parked cars, but dream freely and make good decisions. Take risks, even if it means making mistakes. Don’t go through life anesthetized or approach the world like tourists. Make a ruckus! Cast out the fears that paralyze you, so that you don’t become young mummies. Live! Give yourselves over to the best of life! Open the door of the cage, go out and fly! Please, don’t take early retirement.

Students in tertiary-level education are invited to connect with Campus Ministry, Holy Family Church (KAJANG) that collaborates with the Catholic Students Society / Catholic Student Groups at campuses within the boundaries of this parish.


Sr. Margaret Pereira RGS 
Parish Office:  Tel.  03-87331154

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